Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So Much Going On!

There's been such a whirlwind of activity going on in the last few months that I literally have not had time to update this blog. So here, in stream of consciousness is what's been going on:

New Rock God (NRG) starts dating my office assistant...I begin the process of scouting out supporting talent for a band...NRG and office assistant break up...NRG disappears for almost two weeks with no contact...all is well and NRG returns with more material to record...I arrange NRG to sit in at some live shows in LA and people are blown away...should I mention that I still don't know what his name is?...several singers both male and female are auditioned for the mini-CD we're working on, but nobody blows us away...meanwhile we've recorded literally hundreds of hours of jamming in the studio (it's costing me a fortune)...then I remember that a friend has a son who is supposedly a great singer...he audions...WOW! We give him a song to learn and it will be posted soon on Facebook...this is a phenomenally talented singer...NRG decides he wants to do an acoustic piece for the mini-CD (tentatively titled "Vudu Sky").

More when I catch my breath.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Facebook Page!/pages/New-Rock-God/173714115974112?v=wall

Sample Music on Facebook

We had a great jam session a week ago with some great musicians. You can hear New Rock God soloing in a 1-minute sample clip on Facebook. Just search New Rock God and listen to the sample. We hope to release the full 5-minute version with two other songs on a 3-song diskette. Hope you enjoy the sample!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Somehow I've had somewhat of a breakthrough with New Rock God. Actually, I now know his name, but he has asked me not to use it on this blog. So be it.

Last night he called me and in a stream of consciousness type of conversation talked about putting together a band, releasing some music over the internet, starting a community of artists who would create and record on each other's projects. He likened artists to actors. Actors create across a range of genres...drama, comedy, thriller, action, etc. Why couldn't musicians do the same? I guess they already do, but maybe not to the degree that he wants to create. I have to tell you, it was an invigorating hour-long conversation. We even talked about his ancestry line to the man who IMHO was the greatest rock guitarist to ever live. That was the only lull in our conversation, and though he would not reveal if he was indeed ____ ________'s grandson, he did say to me, "You could call me a bit of a Voodoo Child."

He agreed to let me post a picture of him on the web for this blog site and the Facebook page I've created (New Rock God). This is a big step forward for him, as he indicated that in the last few years he's been afflicted with severe stage fright. He seems to be coming out of it now. We also have plans to go into the studio and produce a nice little jam tape as a demo...and he's even considering letting me run the video that I took of him the day we met.

Stay tuned! Things are moving foward.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Was Seriously Holding My Breath

So New Rock God didn't come by and pick up the guitar on the day he indicated. After a few days, I called the moving company he works for and they told me he had abruptly quit. My heart really sank. I figured that was it...maybe he went back East where he said he was from.

Then today when I get to my office he's already there, showing my receptionist some chords on the guitar. If she hadn't been there I probably would have hugged him. So we talked for quite awhile...about religion, family, politics, women, everything but music. He said he didn't like to talk about music, his or anyone else's. How can you play guitar like that and not want to talk about music? I talk about music 24/7. If I could play guitar like he does I would be a babbling idiot. When he started talking about going into a studio and laying down a track, I got so excited I nearly wet myself. I told him I could arrange anything he needed, and he said he'd get back to me soon. Then he paid me a compliment...that I didn't seem nearly as slimey as most music producers. Then he took off.

I showed my receptionist the video I had taken of him the day I moved in. She commented that he was the her favorite type of musician..."a rocker with a six-string and a six-pack."

Friday, October 22, 2010

Patience is Rewarded

Tonight he called me! Okay, that sounds...not exactly how it should, but I was that excited.

He talked for quite some while about his time gigging in NYC...Nashville for a bit...Chicago...Miami. All he wanted to do was to get on stage and play his guitar, have some fun and maybe make some money. He had never thought seriously about becoming a "rock star." He didn't want any accolades, or to be recognized on the street, or great fame. For him, there is something magical about the power of live artist communicating with others through the power of their art. He asked me, "Do you know how it feels to have your heart swell for hours?" The comparisons to a guitar legend were always there...and then the rumors would start about his lineage...was he really the grandson of _____ __________? And then the pressure followed. Unbearable pressure...stage fright for awhile, unable to hardly hold a guitar pick, let alone fret a guitar. He stopped playing for a time...

He asked me if he could come by and play my guitar sometime. I told him I had not touched it since the day he played. Just didn't seem right... In fact, he could have the damn thing if he wanted it. I think I could hear tears in his voice when he asked me if he could come pick it up around noon. Patience...